About Me (And TowerSecrets!)

TowerSecrets.com is a labor of love by Mandi Burley, web developer and artist. I’ve been fascinated by the tower and its inner workings ever since I was a little kid. The purpose of this site is to collect and preserve the attraction’s publicly-known history, as well as give tribute to what I believe is Disney’s finest attraction. For the record – my favorite version of the ride is the original found in WDW, Florida.

December 1994 – my first ride on the Tower of Terror! (I’m the screaming kid 😀 )

The Tower is so many of my favorite things – ghosts, creepy old buildings, a science fiction backstory, an exhilarating ride experience – rolled up into one tall, beautiful, cobwebbed bundle. The ToT was (and still is, in many ways) a mystery to me. I’ve ridden it enough times to encounter some fascinating glitches – including arriving at the drop shaft with the lights on, and encountering another car load of passengers in the “5th dimension”, and the ride still surprises me every time I visit it.

I hope you enjoy the site. 


Many of the photos on this site were taken by me using a simple point and shoot camera. Read more about my photography equipment here.

Site Design

This site is powered by WordPress. It uses the Genesis framework and a custom theme I created myself called 13th Floor.

Thank Yous

A huge thank you is owed to the following websites and people:

spectropluto.deviantart.com for the photo used in the site’s background

TowerOfTerror.org for being a wealth of information and inspiration

RunningAtDisney.com for teaching me the ins and outs of the Tower of Terror 10 Miler

Me and the Tower of Terror

December 2012 – Visiting an old friend

Site History & Milestones

September 2013: Site launched

October 2014: Site reaches 100,000 views total


The Tower of Terror is copyright Disney.

TowerSecrets is independent of and not supported, endorsed by or connected to The Walt Disney Company or its subsidiaries and affiliates.